Man taken into custody after alleged AT&T theft in January

Authorities have taken a man into custody after an alleged January theft at a mobile phone store.
According to arrest records, 18-year-old Deandre Irby was in the process of purchasing a cellphone and accompanying plan at the AT&T store on Highway 1 West in Iowa City January 8th. During the transaction, there were two phones on the counter, valued at $700 and $850.
Irby is accused of picking both phones up and exiting the store without paying for them. Authorities attempted to contact Irby by text, phone calls, and visits to prior known residences without success.
Irby was finally located and booked into the Johnson County Jail Saturday at 8:45am. He’s charged with 2nd degree Theft, a Class D felony punishable by a prison sentence of up to five years if convicted.