City Council rejects lease of Waterworks Prairie Park for solar array

The Iowa City City Council bowed to the will of the people at their formal meeting Tuesday, rejecting a resolution that would have leased land at Waterworks Prairie Park to Mid-American Energy Company for a large-scale solar energy system.
Late handouts to council members contained several pieces of correspondence from residents opposed to the location of the solar array, suggesting it would be better suited at the Iowa City Municipal Airport.
Karen Eldridge of North Dodge Street wrote, ” Please do not destroy and existing park/prairie/wetlands area for the Mid American solar project. While I am a big advocate for solar energy, I think there are other site alternatives that need to be adequately explored before such an important City natural resource is destroyed.”
Teresa and Matthew Geneser of Barber Place wrote that they consider Waterworks Prairie Park as a “very loved area” and belive it more prudent to use an area that is NOT currently used by residents for outdoor activities or by animals in the wild. They too believe the project would be better placed at the airport.
Council members rejected the resolution unanimously.
In other business, the council approved unanimously paying city employees through May 16th. After that, approximately 260 temporary employees would be furloughed, excepting an extension vote by the Council.