Iowa City police arrest Muscatine man for allegedly enticing an underage teenager for sex


A Muscatine man was arrested Friday after allegedly trying to entice who he thought was a 15 year-old girl for sex.

Police say starting in September, 39-year-old Daniel Collins of Howitzer Drive begin communication with a person he believed was an underage girl. He allegedly asked what sex acts she had done with other boys, then requested several times to hang out with her.  Collins reportedly stated that he would bring a condom with him.

Earlier this week, Collins allegedly agreed to pick up the girl so they could go to her house; he reportedly requested that she wear a short skirt and a sexy top. On Friday morning, Collins arrived at the predetermined location to allegedly pick up the girl and was arrested.

Collins faces a charge of Enticing a Minor under 16 for Sexual Purposes, a Class D Felony punishable by a prison sentence of up to five years if convicted.