Iowa City man refused to talk to police after alleged assault


An Iowa City man who allegedly assaulted a woman refused to talk to police, who had to issue a warrant for his arrest.

The incident took place during the noon hour on September 6th.  23-year-old Obadiyah Crutcher of Muscatine Avenue reportedly got into a verbal altercation with the woman victim. The argument escalated to where Crutcher reportedly spit in and punched the woman’s face, causing her to fall to the ground.  Once the woman was on the ground, Crutcher allegedly flinched toward her as if he was going to kick her in the face, but he was stopped by a witness who stepped in.

The woman complained of pain to her face, finger and knee when officers arrived. Attempts to speak to Crutcher were unsuccessful, as he locked himself in the apartment.

A warrant for Crutcher’s arrest was issued the next day; he was arrested Thursday and charged with Assault causing Bodily Injury, a serious misdemeanor punishable by a jail term of up to one year.

Crutcher was released on his own recognizance pending future court dates; a no contact order was issued between the two parties.